Visit to German Care Homes

In co-operation with our partners in Germany, Rongen Architekten, we have organised a unique visit to the World''s first care homes built to the passivehouse standard.

The first, in the Neuwerk part of German town Mönchengladbach near the Dutch border, was built in 2003 (designed by Rongen). Hence, several years of operating experience exists.

The second, St Joseph, also in Mönchengladbach and also designed by Rongen, is currently under construction, using a unique off-site production technique geared at health sector buildings and to full passivehouse standard.

The event will include visits to both project as well as presentations by Professor Rongen and Dr Niels Bjergstrom from ZCS.

There will be a number of dates available, it is a one-day event, and only 12 places will be available on each date. The cost is £300 + 15% VAT per head.

We suggest that whoever first introduces these unique technologies to the UK and Ireland will gain a considerable competitive advantage. Participation is limited to architects, planners and property managers in the public and private health sector.

For further information about the projects follow New Buildings --> Large Passivehouses --> Care Homes in the menu system. For further information about the event follow Events --> Visit to German Passivehouse Care Homes.

Immediate registration is recommended!
